Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

Cookbook Chefspec

Unit tests for chef cookbooks with chefspec. for this purpose we'll write cookbook that installs vim editor with some additional packages on popular linux. For chefspec, tests go in your cookbook's spec directory. the chef generate cookbook command creates this directory for you.. For chefspec, tests go in your cookbook's spec directory. the chef generate cookbook command creates this directory for you..

CLUG 2014-10 - Cookbook CI with Jenkins

Clug 2014-10 - cookbook ci with jenkins

Chef Cookbook Testing and Continuous Integration

Chef cookbook testing and continuous integration

CLUG 2014-10 - Cookbook CI with Jenkins

Clug 2014-10 - cookbook ci with jenkins chefspec. chefspec is a unit testing framework for testing chef cookbooks. chefspec makes it easy to write examples and get fast feedback on cookbook changes without the need for virtual machines or cloud servers.. Chef chefspec - learn chef in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including overview, architecture, version control system setup, workstation, client, test kitchen, knife, solo setup, cookbooks, cookbook dependencies, environment variable, roles, chef client as daemon, shell, testing cookbooks. 17 min readthis article by john ewart, the author of chef essentials, introduces how to model your infrastructure, provision hosts in the cloud, and what goes into a cookbook..

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