Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

Cookbook Chef-sugar

Usage. simply depend on this cookbook in the metadata of your cookbook and the gem will be installed and required.. requiring the chef sugar gem will automatically extend the recipe dsl, chef::resource, and chef::provider with helpful convenience methods.. Vcloud director and chef provisioning (2.2.4) to cookbooks/build-essential vendoring chef-sugar (3.2.0) to cookbooks/chef-sugar vendoring database. Chef-sugar - chef sugar is a sethvargo / chef-sugar. code. issues 10. this file is used to list changes made in each version of the chef-sugar cookbook and gem..

The chef supermarket contains the largest selection of chef cookbooks (3,000+) available on the internet. this tutorial will show you how to leverage the supermarket to quickly and simply create your own enterprise-ready applications using ibm cloud automation manager.. Chef sugar delicious new chef sugars posted on march 9, interally, our team has been using at least one chef sugar feature in every cookbook we develop.. Buy sugars, syrups and sweeteners online - including natural sweeteners maple syrup, agave syrup and malt extract, as well as the sugar free sweetener sorbitol crystalline..

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